Bernewa´s Ernest de Chamailard (ERNIE)
(Dam : Ch JCh Bernewa´s Bebe Daniels & Sire : C.I.B. MultiCh Sennenhund Rossii T.LOVE)
- * 08/02/2017
- SPKP 3887
- 69cm, 55kg
- HD AA ED 00 OCD free (Prof. MVDr. Valent
Ledecký, University of Veterinary
medicine and Pharmacy in Košice)
- DM exon 1 N-N, exon 2 N-N (Lab.
Laboklin, Germany (Test by blood)
- SH pretest
pending (Lab. Antagene, France)
- SKŠSP character test 14/14
- SKŠSP breeding
test passed – klubová bonitácia 2019
- STUD dog – CHOVNÝ pes